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From: David Boulton []
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 10:16 AM
To: undisclosed
Subject: Deanna's letters
We were out walking last night....
After much preamble, Deanna repeats for me a rhyme about sewing and asks what does it mean? I ask her what is unclear. Word by word we deconstruct what she had said and find that she knows each word and she knows what they mean as a whole statement. Finally we arrive at the the heart of her question:
"What is the future of the words?"
What she is asking (we clarify over the next few minutes) is what is the meaning of the ABCs - what does each letter mean. How were they born, where are they going - 'what is there future' - what is the nature of their being?
Its, analogous to Daaron and his radar helper and his 'all-i-gator' in that she is deeply tracking the meaning in my latest work even though there is no explicit pathway, even though we haven't discussed the details. This is coming at a time when I have been intensely engaged in exactly her question
As I proceeded to unfold for her the history of the alphabet its interesting to note that up until I did she had formed an assumption that the letters had a 'beingness' that had always existed. She is extremely fascinated at the notion that human beings invented all this and how it came about.
I took the track of explaining the alphabet in terms of articulatory notation rather than arbitrary symbols....
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