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David Boulton to Phil Ryan and John Vasconcellos et al re Privacy & Ethics  - Ethics 6

Phil, I like and agree with what you said. I agree 'un-communicated information is conveyed (systemic) ignorance'. I like Callixa's approach and I have actually recommended them to a significant client of mine. I think we should implement such a system for airline security. My only concern is that this kind of intelligence-information power can be abused. Once the disparate systems are subsumed and integrated to provide such on-demand power, the cost of mining that data for other non initially intended uses is comparatively low. The issue that emerges for me is similar to human cloning.  Will our society's learning keep pace with and help drive the ethical debate regarding the limits we impose on such systems?  I don't know.
I think we must proceed here and I think before doing so the advocates should be engaged in a rigorous, non commercially prejudiced, dialogue into these issues with people who advocate the freedoms of privacy. - Best, David

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