Journal Entry 8/89: Tides of Meaning


Nothing alive is still. Stillness is a quality of death and inanimation. Digitality is a still observation.

From the moment we are alive, we are moving. We are moving physically and we are moving mentally. (brain cells swin to their locations) At a sufficiently subtle level, both (physical and mental) are emergent qualities of the same “whole” moving. This moving, like a confluing infinity of differing tides, propagates the relations between our inner most material processes and every aspect of the universe which affects them. In my own experience the word closest to covering these infinite ranges of movement is “attention”. Attention is the bio-psycho-energetic-movement.

From the heart thumping startle of a near miss on the freeway, to the more finely focused and dissipated calculations of balancing a bank account, attention is co-implicate.

Like a boat traveling across water leaves a wake, attention leaves memory. The bodies we are and our remembrances of events past are both co-resonating wakes of attention. And just as the boat both leaves a wake and is affected by wakes, attention passing through memory is modulated by and modulates the form of memory.

Meaning is the active resonating together of attention and memory. Meaning may be mediated by cognitive operations at higher levels of abstraction but its nature is an energetic quality of attention not an abstract construction.

Learning is the non-inherently predetermined relating between meaning and memory.

All participative living grows out of learning.

Evolution is nature (life) learning.

Being human is learning - learning to realize and fully extend and embody living.

The significant obstacles to our capacities for learning are brought in by our learning. We learn to fear learning about ourselves.

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