Journal Entry 8/89: On Whatever is not Biologically Predetermined
A human being is born into a resonant relationship with the world. At birth we don't think. Our senses stimulate but no relationship between stimulations yet exists - each resonation is discontinuous. The nature of our being is learning to extend our presence. Learning is the process of resonantly relating resonations - that which develops continuities amongst the dis/continuities.
Learning is the process of co-relating the resonances, the senses, the emotions and the thoughts -- the core process of processing. In order for that process to function according to its nature it must relate, to relate it must be active, the degree of its active extension into memory-space-time is the degree to which it dissipates the energy otherwise available to experience what is to be related in now-space-time.
The patterns of early organization of relation occur underneath thought and emotion, they are their foundation. They are formed in the absoluteness of timelessness yet they are the basis for relating all that happens in time. The human condition awaits a time when conscious of this, the human adult is concerned with unfolding space-time before the child in a way sensitive to the child's timeless orientation and its innate tendency to inappropriately apply absoluteness to relative experiences in time.
Before children are experiencing the world in words or known emotions, they are experiencing the world - totally - according to their nature. The common experience children have is “don't experience the world that way” - thus, by their relationships with people and because of our mis-perception of the subtlety and profundity of the process of experience, they learn early that devastating things happen when they don't control.
May 25, 2010Last modified:
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