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From: David Boulton []
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 12:43 AM
Subject: FYI - Meditation on 'ing'  transcript of 1-31-02 part 2

Deanna: Dad I don't like my mantra and so I don't like meditating.  (Deanna recently took TM training with Risa.)
Dad: Why don't you like your mantra?
Deanna: My mantra is 'ing' - it seems stupid and it doesn't fit for me.
After a minute, Dad: "It seems to be a great mantra - I am surprised at how good it is"
Deanna: Why do you think that?
Dad: "ing" is a very special part of words that always means "happening now" - like walk-ing, eat-ing, lov-ing, be-ing, swimm-ing, listen-ing, - when you put 'ing' together with any other word it makes the mean-ing something thats happen-ing'. Its a great mantra for helping you to keep participat-ing in whatever it is that you are do-ing.
Deanna: (very excited) I get it - do you think its a good mantra for everyone or is just good for me?
Dad: I think its good for everyone and if you want to have a mantra its a great one for you.
Deanna: why didn't they tell me this part?
Dad: I don't know, maybe they have a reason for why they don't want you to have a meaning for your mantra. Maybe its just there way of teaching and they don't see the importance of helping you understand you mantra.
Deanna: don't tell anyone I told you my mantra Dad, I will get in trouble because I am not supposed to share my Mantra with anyone.
Dad: No, don't think that way. If you wanted to share it with me and you did then tell anyone who asks the truth. Its OK and its important not to lie to anyone about what is true and right for you.
Deanna: Hugging me, then looking me fully in the eyes "thanks Dad, you are a good servant to my good deed - and that is to learn"

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